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The Ultimate Relationship

Writer: Bj PonsBj Pons

“The ultimate relationship is a relationship with God.”

SCRIPTURE: John 14:23

VERSE FOR TODAY: Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

We all have so many relationships in our lives whether it's our spouse, kids, or friends. We all long for some sort of relationship. We think once we get a boyfriend, once we have kids, once we get that one thing, we will finally feel satisfied and fulfilled. We may turn to drugs or friends for that relationship when all we need is God. That’s who we are truly looking for. That thing that people are searching for is a relationship with God. The ultimate relationship is a relationship with God.

Relationships aren’t an easy thing, and that goes for a relationship with God as well. You have to put forth the effort and work in order to keep a relationship. It is a daily thing we have to do. We have to speak to our father and tell Him the good things as well as the bad. Tell Him you love Him as well as the needs you have. Read His word and find out what he has to say to you today. What plans does he have for your life? You have to dive deep and find out what he is trying to say to you. God fought for us. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” He did that to have a relationship with us, people who fail him, and are disobedient. What more should we want than to do that for Him?

The devil is not after your family, your finances, or ministry, he’s after your relationship with God. The devil will use any tools he can to accomplish this. An example of this is when you have a loved one die. Sometimes that will bring that person to blame God and slowly find themselves drifting away from Him because of that. We drift away from our relationship with God. He doesn’t go anywhere, we are the ones drifting from Him. If the enemy can get your relationship with God he has won the game because without that we have nothing. God’s whole reason for creating us was for a relationship and the first thing the devil did was to come to Eve and question her relationship with God. We are going to face struggles, hardship, and loss but when we are in Christ, he is our tower. We are safe unless we choose to leave.

Until you start searching for that relationship in our heavenly father all these other things you’re searching for aren’t going to matter but when you have Christ first you find fulfillment in all those other things.

Prayer thoughts: Dear God help us to always keep our relationship with you the most important thing in our lives. Show us when we are distracted or drifting away from you. Give us the strength to never let the devil trick us into straying from you. Thank you for giving your only son to have a relationship with us. Amen.



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